Fractional CFO

The Responsibilities and Importance of Fractional CFOs

Efficiently managing the accounting function poses a great challenge to small and medium-sized businesses in today’s financially uncertain business landscape. The volatile economy further exacerbates the already crippling issue. With the cost of everything across the board hiking up by the day, controlling costs demands making strategic choices to keep the business running. The plain


The Advantages of Outsourced CFO Services for Start-Ups

Are outsourced CFO services a great choice for start-ups? Let’s find out. Finances are some of the trickiest parts of a start-up as far as management is concerned. Entrepreneurs and the core team must take up most of the initial responsibilities when trying to get the start-up going are relatively easy to learn and manage

Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable

The Impact of Technology on Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Processes

Money in, money out: the yin and yang of a successful business. Without proper accounts payable and receivable management, even the most promising company can quickly spiral into financial chaos. But with the help of modern technology, businesses can streamline their financial operations and achieve the balance they need to succeed. In a prior publication

Accounts Payable Management

Accounts Payable Management Made Simple

In a prior publication titled “Top Accounts Payable Trends to Look Forward to in 2023”, experts at Expertise Accelerated highlighted some trends to look out for going forward regarding accounts payable management. However, accounts payable management is not as simple as some may make it out to be. Implementing policies and adapting to upcoming trends

Bookkeeping service

Bookkeeper vs. CPA, What’s the Difference?

“Bookkeepers vs. CPAs, what’s the difference?” is quite a common question in the business landscape. Bookkeepers and Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) are essential professionals in the business landscape. Any established entrepreneur can attest that a good bookkeeper and CPA can make a world of difference in the business’s financial performance. However, one must remember that