
The Big 4 Accounting Firms: An Ultimate Guide!

Absolutely, landing a job at one of the Big Four accounting firms is often seen as a significant achievement in the field of accounting. It’s like reaching the top of the mountain for many accounting students, and understandably so. These firms—PwC, Deloitte, EY, and KPMG—have established themselves as leaders in the financial world, offering unparalleled opportunities for career growth, learning, and professional development.

However, the path to securing a position in one of these prestigious firms is undoubtedly challenging. The competition is fierce, with thousands of bright and talented individuals vying for limited positions each year. As a result, it’s crucial for accounting students to understand what sets successful candidates apart and how they can position themselves for success in this highly competitive environment.

In the upcoming blog post, we’ll delve into the inner workings of these financial powerhouses, uncovering the untold stories, insider strategies, and career-transforming advice that can help aspiring accountants realize their dreams of joining the elite ranks of the Big Four. From networking tips to interview techniques, we’ll leave no stone unturned in our quest to provide accounting students with the tools and insights they need to navigate the recruitment process with confidence and competence.

So, if you’re an accounting student with big dreams and ambitions, stay tuned for our upcoming blog post, where we’ll unlock the secrets of the financial world’s most coveted firms and help you take the first step towards a successful career in accounting. It’s not just about landing a job; it’s about fulfilling your aspirations and making your mark in the world of finance.


Deloitte stands out in the professional services arena for offering a wide range of services that go beyond just accounting, including audit, tax, consulting, and advisory. Their expertise extends to critical areas like risk management, mergers and acquisitions, and business transformation, making them a trusted advisor for clients facing diverse challenges. What sets Deloitte apart is their focus on innovation and embracing technological advancements, which allows them to stay ahead of the curve and provide cutting-edge solutions to their clients.

PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers)

PwC, or PricewaterhouseCoopers, is globally recognized for its extensive network of professionals and seamless cross-border services, making it a go-to choice for clients worldwide. Renowned for delivering top-tier assurance, tax, and advisory services, PwC excels in meeting client needs with excellence and precision. Moreover, their commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility underscores their dedication to making a positive impact beyond business realms. In essence, PwC’s blend of global reach, quality services, and ethical values positions them as a trusted partner for clients seeking reliable and responsible professional support.

PwC has developed specialized industry teams in financial services, technology, entertainment and media, healthcare, and energy sectors. Their deep industry knowledge enables them to provide industry-specific insights, strategies, and solutions to their clients, helping them stay ahead in rapidly evolving markets.

EY (Ernst & Young):

EY gives importance to entrepreneurship and innovation. They emphasize building a better working world by supporting startups, fostering digital transformation, and promoting sustainable business practices. It is also known for its extensive thought leadership and research capabilities.

EY has expertise across various industries, including financial services, technology, life sciences, manufacturing, and energy. They help clients in these fields drive growth and navigate regulatory complexities.


KPMG is one of the best accounting firms out there. Learn more about its leadership style from its chair and CEO here.

KPMG’s commitment to ethical practices, integrity, and transparency is remarkable. They focus on providing high-quality audit, tax, and advisory services, emphasizing risk management and compliance. KPMG also places a significant emphasis on corporate social responsibility (CSR)

The accounting firm has developed deep industry expertise in financial services, technology, healthcare, consumer and retail, and industrial manufacturing sectors.

Tips to Get into the Big 4 Firms

Early Internships are Important

If you are a student it is crucial to prioritize securing an internship in the field of Accounting during the summers preceding your sophomore and junior years. This step holds immense significance. While it doesn’t necessarily have to be specifically in accounting, it should encompass areas such as analysis, law, finance, or accounting. The key is to have an internship, even if it is at a lower level.

By doing so, you will enhance your credentials when applying for the highly sought-after “Junior” internships with the prestigious Big 4 accounting firms, thereby strengthening your arsenal.

To apply for internships, utilize the on-campus recruiting (OCR) system or visit the respective websites of the organizations. Once you secure an internship opportunity, you must truly devote yourself, and ensure that your colleagues recognize you as a valuable addition to their team. By excelling in your internship, you increase your working full-time in any of the big four accounting firms.

Applying to the Big Four Firms

The first step in planning to apply for work in the Big Four firms is to learn about the best way to apply to them. Different firms have different application procedures. Some firms require online screening after you have applied for a job and they have shortlisted you.

Some firms require you to first submit your resume. On the other hand, some firms require your resume only during your interviews. So, the point here is to learn the application procedure of the firm that you are applying to.

The difference when you apply to one of the big four firms rather than any other firms is that there will be 4-to 6 rounds of interview discussions to decide your position level. The other firms usually only have 2-3 rounds of interviews before they hire you. So you have to be prepared for more tests, and interviews when applying to any of the big four firms.

Get your Resume Right!

Regrettably, numerous resumes end up in the rejection pile solely due to formatting errors and spacing mistakes.

The Big Four accounting firms operate in highly professional settings, and they value candidates who can seamlessly integrate into their work culture. A well-formatted resume showcases your understanding of professional norms, such as proper headings, consistent formatting, and the appropriate use of bullet points, thereby signaling your readiness to thrive in a corporate environment.

Working at the Big 4 Accounting Firms

Hasan Usmani, Director of Client Operations at Expertise Accelerated, shares his experience of working in one of the big four accounting firms:

“Learning and Challenges in an Audit Firm: A Professional Training Experience”


This document outlines my learning and challenges during my professional training with one of the big four accounting firms. Throughout my tenure, I had the privilege of engaging in various auditing and advisory engagements, which allowed me to develop essential skills and overcome significant challenges. This document aims to provide an overview of my experiences, emphasizing the importance of stakeholder management, time management, confidentiality, and building client relationships.

Integration into a Bigger Team and Engaging with Client Personnel

During the half-yearly and annual audit of a prominent oil refining company, I learned the art of integrating into a larger team and engaging with client personnel at senior levels for data collection purposes. This experience provided insights into the dynamics of working collaboratively with diverse professionals, coordinating efforts, and maintaining effective communication. However, one of the primary challenges faced was forging cordial relationships with senior client representatives while ensuring the extraction of sufficient and appropriate evidence. Convincing busy client representatives to provide necessary data often proved to be a significant challenge.

Time Management

Effective time management is crucial in the audit profession, particularly during peak periods close to deadlines. There were occasions when we had to work late into the night, only to return early the next day to meet project requirements. This demanding schedule required the ability to prioritize tasks, delegate responsibilities, and remain focused under pressure. Balancing multiple engagements and adhering to strict timelines was a constant challenge that required careful planning and organization.


Maintaining confidentiality is a fundamental principle in the audit profession. Throughout my training, I recognized the importance of safeguarding sensitive client information. Handling confidential data, financial records, and strategic plans required strict adherence to professional ethics and standards. Upholding confidentiality was both a responsibility and a challenge, as it demanded a high level of integrity, trustworthiness, and discretion.

Stakeholder Management

The crux of the audit experience lies in managing stakeholder expectations. Whether it was engaging with senior client representatives or working on advisory engagements sponsored by international donors, stakeholder management remained a critical aspect. Understanding the needs and requirements of various stakeholders, aligning expectations, and maintaining open lines of communication were crucial to ensuring successful project outcomes. Building rapport and trust with stakeholders was an ongoing challenge, as different individuals often had diverse perspectives and priorities.

Working on Advisory Engagements Sponsored by International Donors

In addition to auditing engagements, I had the opportunity to work on advisory projects sponsored by international donors. These engagements presented unique challenges, like those encountered in auditing. Time management continued to be a significant concern, given the complexity and diverse nature of the projects. Moreover, stakeholder management remained vital, as collaborating with individuals from different cultural backgrounds required heightened sensitivity and effective communication skills. Balancing the expectations of international donors, local stakeholders, and the organization being advised demanded tact and diplomacy.


During my time at A.F. Ferguson & Co. Chartered Accountants, I gained invaluable insights into the audit profession that have shaped my professional journey. Working within a team environment, I learned the importance of collaboration and communication, as well as the significance of building relationships with clients. Managing my time effectively became crucial as I balanced various tasks and responsibilities, ensuring that deadlines were met while maintaining quality standards. One of the most important lessons I learned was the importance of confidentiality in handling sensitive information. Upholding the trust of clients and stakeholders required diligence and discretion, which became a cornerstone of my approach to my work. Additionally, navigating the diverse expectations of different stakeholders taught me the importance of adaptability and flexibility in addressing various needs and concerns. Challenges were inevitable, particularly when it came to data collection and managing workloads. However, I learned to overcome these obstacles through resilience and determination. Clear and effective communication played a significant role in mitigating these challenges and ensuring that expectations were managed appropriately.

Overall, my experience at A.F. Ferguson & Co. Chartered Accountants has been instrumental in my professional growth. It has equipped me with the skills and mindset necessary to navigate the complexities of the audit profession and prepared me for future challenges in my career.

Expertise Accelerated