Trade promotions management


“Expertise Accelerated provides trained offshore resources to help consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies with Trade Promotion Management (TPM) and optimization.”

Deploy our cost-effective resources to audit the majority of your chargebacks and submit hundreds of thousands of invalid deduction claims.

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To prevent revenue leakages, all CPG companies must verify each chargeback with:

  1.  Approved in-house promotion plans,
  2.  Third-party contracts, and
  3.  In-house sales data, first-party and syndicated data.

Audit the majority of your chargebacks by leveraging the expertise and cost advantage gained from deploying our off-shore resources.

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Implement a rigorous and cost-effective chargeback verification process.

Every CPG company receives thousands of customer chargebacks, but even a Fortune 100 CPG company does not have the resources to check the validity of all chargebacks. As a result, essentially millions of such chargebacks from retailers go unchecked for abuse and overreach.

This is where Expertise Accelerated can help by providing cost-effective resources from our global pool of talent, trained and stewarded by our highly experienced, US-based management team.




A company with a revenue of $30 million expensed all chargebacks when received. Only a few large value chargebacks were subsequently audited with contracts from the broker/retailers. The majority of sales were via distributors. The company had received some significant post-audit chargebacks, which the company could not challenge.

Project outline:

  • An onsite Manager will lead the new Trade Promotions department. 
  • Help the client implement an excel based accrual process and a chargeback verification process with minimal investment.
  • Help the client identify a TPM software for implementation after 12-18 months.

Solution: Expertise Accelerated deployed two offshore resources with an investment payback period of 2-3 months.

Following process improvements were made:

Legacy ProcessNew ProcessBenefitsAnnual Saving
No promotion planning process.Excel-based planning process implementedBudgets and spending limits are established in advance.Not Quantifiable
The cash Application process did not capture details.The cash application process now included a detailed excel breakdown of chargebacks.Detailed chargeback breakdown used to challenge Post-Audits.Approx. $120K-$150K post-audit savings
All contracts are not available. The majority of chargebacks are not verified.All contracts are acquired in advance and increased audit coverage of chargebacks.Time-saving in the chargeback verification. More in-depth chargeback analysis.Additional invalid chargeback identification - $150K-$200K.
Retailer and Syndicated data not used.Leveraged retailer and syndicated data.More accurate chargeback verification.Not Quantifiable
No reports; process not compliant with US GAAP.Management reporting available. Process compliant with US GAAP rules.Process certified by external auditors.Not Quantifiable